Excessive hair loss isn’t only a male pattern – it can affect women, teenagers and even babies. Although a certain amount of hair loss is normal sometimes it can suggest that something is wrong somewhere in your body.We normally shed somewhere about 50 to 12 hairs everyday but if the number is increasing it may indicate serious health problems. The causes of this condition can be different – seasonal changes, hormonal imbalance / pregnancy, abortion, improper diet, birth control pills/, surgical interventions, food poisoning. The cause of excessive hair loss in both men and women is multi-variable but the most common causes are hormonal changes and heredity. Rapid weight loss or weight gain, dandruff, iron deficiency, a low protein and vitamin intake, pregnancy or menopause, even some medicines can speed up the normal rate of hair loss.
What causes excessive hair loss in women:
a major surgery
hormonal problems often cause excessive hair loss in women
pregnancy 65 percent of the pregnant women experience hair loss
some medicines may cause hair loss
improper hair care – using too harsh hair products and some chemicals may seriously damage your hair
heredity – in 70 percent of the cases the hair loss is due to genetics.
disruption of the hair growth cycle
rapid weight loss or weight gain
iron deficiency
poor diet
food poisoning
emotional stress
radiation therapy
improper hair treatment
Hormonal problems are among the most common causes of excessive hair loss especially in women – androgens and estrogens don’t function normally. This imbalance of hormones is usually a genetic trait and can be helped by treatment thyroid disease.As I said some medicines may cause excessive hair loss, these include taking birth control pills, antidepressants, anticoagulants, medicines used when treating cancer, diet pills. Undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy may also cause excessive hair loss but the hair will begin to re-grow when the treatment end.65 percent of the women experience excessive hair loss during pregnancy but it’s something normal. During pregnancy the hair is shifted into an active growth state but the body keeps the hairs that would normally fall out and a few months after delivery these hairs fall out and the normal cycle of growth starts again.Excessive hair loss in women is often caused by improper hair care – using too harsh hair products, daily usage of straightening irons, using curling iron, heated rollers, blow drying everyday, hair dyeing, washing your hair daily. Pulling your hair too tightly, bleaching, straightening, curling always damage and break the hair off. If you misuse any chemicals the chance of hair loss is almost 99 percent guaranteed. Once these chemicals are put in the hair the changes they make in the hair texture and structure cannot be reversed.Poor nutrition is also to be blamed for excessive hair loss – if your body isn’t getting enough vitamins, minerals, proteins it won’t be able to sustain hair growth. A proper diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits, chicken meat, fish, whole grains will help prevent thinning of the hair in both men and women. Stop dieting and start eating foods containing vitamin C, B5, B6, PP, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.The cause of excessive hair loss in 70 percent of the people experiencing hair loss is heredity. This condition is called androgenetic alopecia. It usually affects men, especially if there is a history of alopecia in the family.The medical term of excessive hair loss is “alopecia“. It’s autoimmune disease and occurs in small, round patches. Unfortunately no one knows for sure what the cause of alopecia is but some medicines are known to help treat the disease.
Androgenic alopecia – thinning of the hair. It’s caused by heredity and usually affects mostly men.
Areata alopecia – begins with bald spots and gradually spread all ovet the head. A family history of areata alopecia makes you more likely to develop it also.
Totalis alopecia – it causes full hair loss
Alopecia universalis – it causes hair loss all over the entire body including eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic hair, leg hair.
How long hair loss will last depends mainly on the cause – if the cause is due to pregnancy it will stop after 3/ 4 months / until your hormonal levels become normal, if it’s due to illness the hair loss will stop when the disease is over, if the hair loss is a side effect of a medicines the normal hair growth will return once the drug is stopped. If you have alopecia areata your hair will grow back naturally in 5 to 10 months.
What causes excessive hair loss in women:
a major surgery
hormonal problems often cause excessive hair loss in women
pregnancy 65 percent of the pregnant women experience hair loss
some medicines may cause hair loss
improper hair care – using too harsh hair products and some chemicals may seriously damage your hair
heredity – in 70 percent of the cases the hair loss is due to genetics.
disruption of the hair growth cycle
rapid weight loss or weight gain
iron deficiency
poor diet
food poisoning
emotional stress
radiation therapy
improper hair treatment
Hormonal problems are among the most common causes of excessive hair loss especially in women – androgens and estrogens don’t function normally. This imbalance of hormones is usually a genetic trait and can be helped by treatment thyroid disease.As I said some medicines may cause excessive hair loss, these include taking birth control pills, antidepressants, anticoagulants, medicines used when treating cancer, diet pills. Undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy may also cause excessive hair loss but the hair will begin to re-grow when the treatment end.65 percent of the women experience excessive hair loss during pregnancy but it’s something normal. During pregnancy the hair is shifted into an active growth state but the body keeps the hairs that would normally fall out and a few months after delivery these hairs fall out and the normal cycle of growth starts again.Excessive hair loss in women is often caused by improper hair care – using too harsh hair products, daily usage of straightening irons, using curling iron, heated rollers, blow drying everyday, hair dyeing, washing your hair daily. Pulling your hair too tightly, bleaching, straightening, curling always damage and break the hair off. If you misuse any chemicals the chance of hair loss is almost 99 percent guaranteed. Once these chemicals are put in the hair the changes they make in the hair texture and structure cannot be reversed.Poor nutrition is also to be blamed for excessive hair loss – if your body isn’t getting enough vitamins, minerals, proteins it won’t be able to sustain hair growth. A proper diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits, chicken meat, fish, whole grains will help prevent thinning of the hair in both men and women. Stop dieting and start eating foods containing vitamin C, B5, B6, PP, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.The cause of excessive hair loss in 70 percent of the people experiencing hair loss is heredity. This condition is called androgenetic alopecia. It usually affects men, especially if there is a history of alopecia in the family.The medical term of excessive hair loss is “alopecia“. It’s autoimmune disease and occurs in small, round patches. Unfortunately no one knows for sure what the cause of alopecia is but some medicines are known to help treat the disease.
Androgenic alopecia – thinning of the hair. It’s caused by heredity and usually affects mostly men.
Areata alopecia – begins with bald spots and gradually spread all ovet the head. A family history of areata alopecia makes you more likely to develop it also.
Totalis alopecia – it causes full hair loss
Alopecia universalis – it causes hair loss all over the entire body including eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic hair, leg hair.
How long hair loss will last depends mainly on the cause – if the cause is due to pregnancy it will stop after 3/ 4 months / until your hormonal levels become normal, if it’s due to illness the hair loss will stop when the disease is over, if the hair loss is a side effect of a medicines the normal hair growth will return once the drug is stopped. If you have alopecia areata your hair will grow back naturally in 5 to 10 months.